레이블이 ERP in Accounting인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 ERP in Accounting인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'enterprise accounting system'|...to clear land for tillage by reverting to a form of the old English open-field system, and in other ways preserved a communal element in their village economy...

About 'enterprise accounting system'|...to clear land for tillage by reverting to a form of the old English open-field system, and in other ways preserved a communal element in their village economy...

More               and               more               employers               are               seeing               labor               as               a               mere               cost               to               be               minimized               instead               of               a               resource               to               be               leveraged,               nurtured,               and               maximized.

Here               are               some               tips               to               help               you               set               up               an               early               warning               system               and               identify               if               your               employer               may               be               contemplating               layoffs.


Study               Your               Employer's               Peer               Group               -               You               have               to               learn               about               your               employer's               competition               and               other               companies               that               are               similar               to               your               employer               in               their               business               endeavors,               size,               and               structure.

In               addition,               you               may               want               to               learn               about               your               employer's               suppliers               and               customers.

Follow               their               news               announcements,               stocks,               earnings,               layoffs,               and               business               plans               to               identify               business               trends               affecting               your               industry.

If               an               industry               competitor               reports               a               decline               in               quarterly               earnings               or               a               loss               and               announces               layoffs,               you               employer               could               well               decide               to               follow               suit.

The               actions               of               a               competitor               can               provide               public               relations               cover               for               your               own               employer's               plans.

Keep               Abreast               of               Internal               Business               Developments               -               Did               your               company               meet               sales               goals?

Is               your               company               meeting               or               exceeding               Wall               Street               expectations?

What               does               the               companies               financial               bottom               line               look               like?

Did               your               employer               successfully               outsource               an               internal               service               to               an               outside               firm?

Is               your               employer               using               consultants               and               contractors               more               consistently?

Is               your               employer               managing               the               contractors               or               are               the               contractors               giving               the               advice               that               ends               up               managing               you?

Did               your               company               adopt               a               new               enterprise               software               package?

Do               they               have               plans               to               train               you               to               become               proficient               with               it?

Be               Aware               of               Your               Personal               Situation               -               How               valuable               are               you               to               the               company?

Is               your               work               valued               by               internal               or               external               customers?

Are               your               managers               keeping               you               busy               and               productive?

What               kind               of               feedback               are               you               getting               on               your               reviews?

Ideally,               you'll               want               your               manager               to               think               you               are               a               valuable               asset               to               his               team               and               the               company.

If               you               consistently               see               your               co-workers               getting               the               most               important               assignments,               you               should               be               concerned               and               try               to               rise               to               a               higher               level               of               performance.

Beware               of               the               New               Executive               -               If               your               company               has               recently               transitioned               to               new               executive               leadership,               be               prepared               for               changes.

The               new               executive               may               want               to               change               the               organization               to               reflect               his               priorities               or               simply               cut               costs               and               boost               the               company               bottom               line.

The               conventional               advice               for               new               executives               is               to               make               the               changes               fast               and               get               the               organizational               pain               over               with               early               in               their               tenure.

Watch               for               Weasel               Words               -               There               are               a               number               of               words               and               phrases               that               signal               layoffs.

If               a               leader               is               concerned               about               having               a               lower               or               more               competitive               cost               structure,               there               is               a               good               chance               that               workers               may               find               themselves               in               the               cross               hairs.

Similarly,               if               they               use               words               like               nimble,               agile,               or               adaptable,               look               for               temporary               contract               labor               to               replace               permanent               employees.

If               workers               in               internal               support               organizations               (like               IT               or               accounting)               are               told               that               they               will               have               to               compete               for               business               with               internal               and               external               competition,               management               may               already               be               getting               bids               from               outsourcing               firms               who               would               like               to               take               over               major               corporate               functions               on               a               contract               basis.

Other               words               are               even               more               obvious,               words               like               people               impacts,               reorganization,               downsizing,               rightsizing,               realignment               and               adjustment               should               be               alarming               to               the               workforce.

If               you               hear               lean,               expect               mean               to               follow.
               Once               your               early               warning               system               is               in               place,               you               will               be               better               positioned               to               recognize               lay               off               possibilities.

How               you               respond               will               depend               on               your               personal               situation,               value               to               the               company,               tenure               on               the               job,               pension               or               401K               vesting,               proximity               to               retirement,               and               ability               to               find               alternative               employment.

There               are               specific               steps               that               you               can               take               to               prepare               before               you               get               laid               off.

With               a               lay               off               early               warning               system               in               place,               at               least               a               pink               slip               won't               come               as               a               total               surprise               and               you               can               do               your               best               to               prepare               for               the               worst.

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enterprise accounting system

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enterprise accounting system

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enterprise accounting system

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enterprise accounting system

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