About 'fund accounting system'|...name of KPMG Consulting, a subsidiary of the accounting giant. 8. CISCO SYSTEMS is a major fund provider in NetForensics and KPMG, the previous parent of KPMG...
One of the biggest reasons organizations chose to file for a 501(c)(3) non-profit status is the exemption from federal income tax and the ability to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions or donations. An important first step is to come up with a mission statement. A mission statement is simply that - it states what your organizations mission is and what it hopes to accomplished. It should consist of what your mission or purpose it, what services you offer and will provide as well as the value of this to the community. I cannot not stress enough the importance of having a clearly defined mission statement. This is statement will be used on all published material and portrays what your organization is about. Make sure that your mission is clearly stated. Each state has its own regulations on the minimum size of board a 501(c)(3) must have. A Board of Directors must be formed. This board should consist of members who have special skills, insights, experience to help support your mission. The decision of choosing board members should not be taken lightly as ultimately; it is the Board of Directors who decide how the organization is to be run. You will have to file Articles of Incorporation. This is an official statement of creation that is filed with the appropriate state agency. It is in place to protect the Board of Directors and staff from legal liabilities incurred by the organization. These make the corporation liable for debts and liabilities instead of the individual directors and employees. Your state Attorney General's office or Secretary of State will have the specific information you need as it relates to your individual state. If you don't already have one, you must apply for an EIN (federal Employer Identification Number). Even if you do not have any employees, non-profits are required to obtain this number. It is obtained from the IRS and is used to identify the organization. If you received an EIN Number prior to incorporating, you will need to apply for a new number under the corporation name. Another important step is the drafting of Bylaws. Bylaws are the breakdown of how the organization will operate and help govern the organization. Typically, bylaws are drafted with the help of an attorney and must be approved by the Board in the beginning stages of the organization. In addition to the Bylaws, you will need to develop a realistic budget and accounting system. It is crucial to an organization's existence to have a system of checks and balances in place and to have an accountant on staff or work with an accountant who is familiar with non-profit organizations. You are held accountable to the public and the people who fund and donate to you. You need to develop a strong record keeping system. By law, you have to maintain all Board documents including meeting minutes and financial statements. You will also need to keep the incorporation documents such as the mission statement, articles of incorporation, bylaws, as well as any other official documents. These must be kept in a safe place. It is helpful to keep one set in the organizations operating area and another set at another location. File for a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. These consist of Form 1023 which is the application and Publication 557 which contains detailed instructions. This is a legal document and the filing fee is dependent upon the size of the organization's budget. It is also advisable to work with an attorney when filling this out to make sure that you have all necessary paperwork and that it is correctly filled out. Any inconsistencies or incorrect paperwork will delay the filing process. Once you receive your status, you can apply for state and local tax exemptions and find out if there are any charitable solicitation law requirements in your state and local jurisdiction. This is also a good time to apply for a non-profit mailing permit. To sum up, I've added a condensed checklist: • Create a Mission Statement • Form a Board of Directors • File Articles of Incorporation • Apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) • Draft Bylaws • Develop a budget • Develop an accounting system • Develop a record keeping system • File for a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS • Apply for state and local tax exemptions • Check into charitable solicitation law requirements • Apply for a non-profit mailing permit The road to becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization can seem daunting, but with the proper planning, assistance and help, the benefits can be tremendous. Sources Myself - I have been directly involved creating and setting up a 501(c)(3) organization IRS.gov, Applying for a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status Meta.wikimedia.org, How to start a 501(c)(3) |
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... with this three part hair care system proven to reduce hair loss by 33 percent... using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are...
...new high of 55%, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday. Campaign fund manager for California Democrats charged with mail fraud September 14, 2011...
..., including their funding sources. The problem with that, however... using your Twitter account. (Log Out) You are ...
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