레이블이 Manual Bookkeeping Systems인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Manual Bookkeeping Systems인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'manual accounting systems'|...project, and as such was no threat to the criminals operating the system...*shrugs.. See http://www.deathofdurban.blogspot.com/ Thursday 23rd February at...

About 'manual accounting systems'|...project, and as such was no threat to the criminals operating the system...*shrugs.. See http://www.deathofdurban.blogspot.com/ Thursday 23rd February at...

First               and               foremost,               I'd               like               to               welcome               you               all               to               the               Strident               Marks               team.

As               you               may               already               know               this               is               a               great               time               to               join               our               team,               as               we               have               recently               become               a               public               company.

It               is               also               a               time               of               new               pressures               and               stress               as               the               company               will               be               under               the               scrutinizing               eyes               of               bankers               and               investors.

New               members               of               the               finance               department               should               pay               close               attention               to               several               areas               of               our               business               that               will               be               significantly               important               to               the               success               of               the               company               at               this               time               (CTU,               2007).

Today               we               will               be               examining               the               Strident               Marks               accounting               system               and               finance               functions               to               better               assimilate               your               eyes               towards               these               areas               of               significance.

First,               let's               discuss               the               components               of               a               financial               system.

It               is               important               to               realize               that               the               previous               financial               systems               you               may               have               used               are               no               longer               valid               here               at               Strident               Marks               since               these               systems               are               customizable               to               the               business.

A               financial               system               is               used               to               collect,               process,               maintain,               transmit,               and               report               data               about               financial               events               (Enterprise               Solutions,               2007).

The               individual               components               of               a               financial               system               can               help               to               assess               potential               business               ventures,               capital               budgeting               projects               and               initiatives.
               The               core               to               financial               system               is               made               up               of               two               components:               the               finance               and               accounting.

Gitman               (2006)               has               described               finance               as               the               art               and               science               of               managing               money               and               it               is               all               too               true:               this               business               can               be               a               masterful               juggling               act               at               times               (Gitman,               2006).
               When               we               speak               of               the               finance               department               in               Strident               Marks,               we               are               referring               to               both               managerial               finance               and               financial               services               such               as               the               advice               or               product               we               supply               to               our               customers,               other               businesses,               and               the               government.

On               the               other               hand,               managerial               finance               is               more               internal               and               involves               analyzing               performance,               previous               cash               flow               statements,               and               projecting               goals               to               help               management               make               better               business               decisions               for               long               and               short               term.

For               example,               our               finance               department               evaluated               previous               performance               and               forecasted               a               positive               influence               for               Strident               Marks               progression               as               a               public               company.

It               is               much               easier               to               evaluate               strengths               and               weaknesses               through               the               use               of               ratios               such               as               the               cross-section               analysis               or               time-series               analysis.

The               finance               department               is               responsible               for               delivering               ratios               used               to               evaluate               the               activity               of               the               company,               debt               ratio,               market               ratio,               and               profitability               (Gitman,               2006).

Business               decisions               are               not               made               over               night               and               it               is               imperative               to               have               precise               figures               for               accurate               projections.

Your               training               manual               will               describe               these               calculations               in               more               detail.
               The               accounting               department               is               invested               in               the               here               and               now.

The               accounting               department               can               also               be               broken               down               in               two               segments:               managerial               accounting               which               reports               internally               and               financial               accounting               which               is               involved               in               reporting               internally               and               externally.

For               all               intensive               purposes,               we               will               focus               on               the               financial               accounting               aspect               which               uses               historical               data               to               relay               information               about               the               company's               activities               to               various               sources.

There               are               four               reports               the               accounting               department               uses:               balance               sheet,               income               statement,               statement               of               owner's               equity               (or               retained               earnings),               and               statement               of               cash               flows               (Gitman,               2006).
               Valuation               is               described               by               Lawrence               Gitman               (2007)               as               a               method               used               to               establish               the               worth               of               an               asset               by               joining               the               financial               risks               and               estimated               profits               associated               with               that               asset.

The               process               of               valuation               is               relatively               simple               and               involves               three               basic               inputs:               (1)               the               cash               flow               that               is               anticipated               over               the               course               of               ownership               of               the               item,               (2)               the               timing               of               these               cash               flows,               and               (3)               the               level               of               risk               involved               with               the               cash               flow.

Value               is               not               indicative               of               an               annual               positive               cash               flow.

Items               can               still               gain               value               by               having               a               one-time               cash               flow               or               even               an               alternating               cash               flow.

Whatever               the               case               may               be,               it               is               important               to               understand               the               schedule               of               these               flows.

Valuation               decreases               with               the               risk               associated               with               the               cash               flows.

The               risk               should               be               appropriate               to               the               cash               flow               for               the               valuation               to               be               valid               (Gitman,               2007).
               As               new               hires               you               will               be               working               in               your               respective               areas               as               part               of               the               Finance               and               Accounting               Department               teams.

Your               role               in               valuing               new               business               opportunities               or               projects               is               essential               and               crucial               towards               the               decision               making               process.

This               team               has               the               ability               to               maintain               investments               and               influence               financing               decisions               by               providing               the               information               necessary               determine               the               tax               liabilities,               understand               sales               figures               and               trends,               and               predict               cash               flows.

Making               a               financial               decision               on               the               behalf               of               the               company               without               consulting               the               Financial               Department               and               the               expertise               they               can               provide               is               a               stab               in               the               dark.
               Over               past               years,               the               actions               of               businesses               have               come               to               be               looked               upon               with               more               of               a               skeptical               eye               as               consumers               and               other               users               became               increasingly               more               aware               of               the               ethical               activity               behind               the               actions               of               these               businesses.

As               a               result,               ethics               are               a               large               part               of               our               corporate               values               here               at               Strident               Marks.

Consequently,               members               of               the               finance               department               must               operate               under               these               ethical               guidelines.

As               a               company               we               remain               respectful               of               the               consumer               as               they               are               the               ones               who               sustain               our               business               through               their               purchases.

With               comment               to               individual               employees,               we               must               remain               respectful               to               those               around               us               as               well.

Employees               must               be               aware               of               the               impact               their               actions               may               have               on               other               employees               and               the               company.

We               are               dedicated               to               building               a               team               and               family               here               at               Strident               Marks               and               it               is               important               that               everyone               be               treated               fairly               and               with               regard               to               ethical               matters.

To               ensure               the               highest               level               of               ethical               quality               is               adhered               to               we               have               instated               several               types               of               auditing               standards               that               will               encourage               employees               to               engage               in               activities               which               will               promote               this               type               of               performance               (Gitman,               2006).
               Once               again,               welcome               to               the               team               and               welcome               to               Strident               Marks.

I               hope               this               introduction               inspires               you               to               spread               your               roots               into               the               company               and               become               an               integral               part               of               our               team-building               process.

Our               overall               goal               is               to               maximize               sales               and               profits               through               the               promotion               of               a               quality               product.

Your               contributions               to               the               finance               and               accounting               department               are               immeasurable               and               the               knowledge               you               gain               here               will               be               irreplaceable.
               CTU               Online.




Phase               1               Course               Material               [multimedia               presentation].

Colorado               Springs,               CO:               CTU               Online.

Retrieved               October               12,               2007,               from               CTU               Online,               Virtual               Campus,               FIN310               Financial               Management               Principles:               0704A-05.

Website:               https://campus.ctuonline.edu/MainFrame.aspx?ContentFrame=/Classroom/course.aspx?Class=23719&tid=39
               Enterprise               Solutions               Competency               Center.

(2007)               ERP/SOA               Resource               Center.

Retrieved               October               11,               2007,               from               http://www.army.mil/escc/erp/aetg_terms.htm
               Gitman,               L.

(2006)               Principles               of               Managerial               Finance.

(11th               ed.)               San               Diego,               CA:               Pearson/Addison               Wesley.

Image of manual accounting systems

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manual accounting systems

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