레이블이 Federal Government Accounting인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Federal Government Accounting인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'government accounting system'|Argentina attempts to nationalize personal accounts system; workers object

About 'government accounting system'|Argentina attempts to nationalize personal accounts system; workers object

               Government               employees               are               regularly               educated               and               trained               on               their               duties               and               responsibilities               from               day               one               of               employment.

While               the               approach               and               specifics               may               vary               by               agency               or               government               level,               general               requirements               tend               to               be               common               among               all               U.S.

government               departments,               regardless               of               function               or               program               mission.

These               duties               and               responsibilities               are               basic,               critical               elements               of               organization               consistency               expected               from               every               employee.
               Personal               Responsibilities
               Every               government               employee               is               expected               to               maintain               the               honesty,               integrity               and               impartiality               of               programs.

The               last               element               in               particular               may               be               a               harder               challenge               at               the               higher               levels               of               executive               government               management               due               to               the               influence               of               politics               and               appointments,               however,               all               government               employees               are               still               required               to               maintain               a               truthful               operation               in               their               particular               function.
               Compliance               with               lawful               supervision               and               all               agency-related               laws,               guidelines,               policies               and               rules               are               also               expected.

Employees               are               not               expected               to               perform               acts               that               are               illegal               under               federal               or               state               law,               but               they               are               hired               and               obligated               to               perform               legal               functions               as               directed.

Good               management               allows               opportunity               for               discussion               and               consideration               of               alternatives,               but               at               the               end               of               the               day               implementation               without               resistance               is               required.
               Every               employee               is               personally               responsible               to               identify               and               report               actions               or               suspicious               behavior               that               could               or               does               violate               a               law               or               regulation.

Employees               are               the               eyes               and               ears               of               the               government               agency.

Various               federal               and               state               laws               require               employees               to               make               such               reports               and               provide               for               agencies               such               as               inspector               general               offices               to               receive               reports               outside               of               a               suspect               management               system               possibly               covering               up               an               issue.
               Broad               Restrictions
               Unless               otherwise               authorized               (such               as               peace               officers               or               military),               government               employees               generally               are               not               allowed               to               carry               weapons               into               government               offices,               particularly               firearms.
               There               also               is               a               common               ethics               expectation               that               employees               avoid               and               do               not               involve               themselves               in               fraud               or               abuse               of               government               programs,               criminal               activity,               or               felony               activity               in               one's               personal               life.

If               discovered,               many               government               policies               authorize               immediate               termination               or               eventual               removal               of               the               employee               from               the               organization.
               Employees               are               expected               to               work               cohesively               with               each               other.

Numerous               policies               at               all               agency               levels               prohibit               harassment,               sexual               harassment,               corruption               and               violations               of               common               personnel               policies.
               Fiscal               Responsibilities
               Some               government               functions,               due               to               the               nature               of               their               business               in               the               organization,               have               a               higher               threshold               of               duty               expected               from               the               given               employees.

This               is               due               to               the               importance               placed               on               the               activity.
               Fiscal               responsibility               relies               significantly               on               truth               and               adherence               to               protection               of               fiscal               assets               for               the               purpose               they               were               provided               in               the               agency.

Fiduciary               duty               thus               creates               a               higher               level               duty               to               protect               funds,               property,               or               valuable               assets               of               a               government               department               from               unnecessary               loss               and               to               make               sure               when               assets               or               funds               are               used               they               are               done               for               the               right               purpose.

This               role               includes               oversight               and               reporting               problems               with               budgeting,               accounting,               procurement               and               contracting.
               Government               employees               are               held               to               specified               standards               that               are               common               in               all               government               agencies,               regardless               of               government               level.

This               expectation               for               good               behavior               and               cooperation               is               critical               to               protect               the               agency               and               the               government               taxpayer               funds               used               for               operations.

Failure               to               follow               such               duties               and               responsibilities               interferes               with               the               organization               function               of               agencies               and,               when               discovered,               is               corrected               or               removed.

All               employees,               regardless               of               management               or               staff,               are               expected               to               adhere               to               these               rules.
               USDA               -               Office               of               the               Chief               Information               Officer:               Directive               4070-735-001.
               5               C.F.R.

PART               735-EMPLOYEE               RESPONSIBILITIES               AND               CONDUCT,               Justia.com,               US               Laws,               2009.

Office               of               Government               Ethics,               Regulations               Issued               by/affecting               OGE,               2009.
               "Government               Employees,"               USA.gov,               2009.
               "State               and               Local               Employees,               USA.gov,               2009.

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government accounting system

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