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2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'indian accounting system'|...another historical example, compare Dalrymple's description of the destruction of Vijayanagar with this account of the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. It appears that polite opinion...

About 'indian accounting system'|...another historical example, compare Dalrymple's description of the destruction of Vijayanagar with this account of the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. It appears that polite opinion...

In               his               story               collection               How               It               Was               for               Me,               San               Francisco               writer               Andrew               Sean               Greer               already               demonstrated               his               versatility               and               a               very               self-assured               craftmanship               as               a               creator               of               ficiton.

His               2001               novel               The               Path               of               Minor               Planets               is               very               ambitious.

The               jacket's               description               makes               it               sound               rather               like               Michael               Cunningham's               Pulitzer               Prize-winning               novel               The               Hours,               being               about               three               women               across               an               expanse               of               time.

Although               the               omniscient               narrator               burrows               into               the               heads               of               Denise               Lanham,               who               is               an               astronomy               graduate               student               at               the               start               of               the               novel,               and               Lydia               Swift,               who               is               the               five-year-old               daughter               of               Denise's               mentor,               the               third               woman,               Kathy               Spivak,               the               wife               of               Dr.

Swift's               main               male               graduate               student,               Eli,               may               be               deep,               but               remains               opaque               throughout               the               book.

By               the               end               of               the               novel,               I               felt               that               I               knew               more               of               how               Eli,               Denise's               husband               Adam,               their               son               Josh,               and               the               two               senior               astronomers,               Dr.

Swift               and               Dr.

Manday,               who               discovered               a               comet               in               1953.

The               book               does               not               reach               back               to               the               discovery,               except               insofar               as               there               is               dispute               about               credit               for               the               discovery               much               later               (with               "Comet               Swift"               being               officially               labeled               "Comet               Swift-Manday"),               before               its               third               appearance.

The               book               opens               with               the               astronomers               assembled               on               a               fictional               island               in               the               Indian               Ocean               for               the               best               view               of               the               returning               comet.

A               National               Science               Foundation               grant               paid               for               Drs.

Swift               and               Manday               to               return               to               the               latter's               native               island,               and               for               two               male               graduate               students.

Kathy               Spivak               has               accompanied               her               husband,               Dr.

Swift               has               taken               his               daughter               along,               and               Denise's               affluent               mother               has               paid               for               her               trip,               hoping               her               daughter               will               forget               the               married               man               (Carlos)               who               has               broken               her               heart.
               The               celebration               of               the               comet's               return               is               marred               by               the               death               of               a               local               child               (an               accident               involving               a               telescope).

There               is               no               sense               in               which               those               present               are               cursed               by               the               occurrence.

But               for               all               their               analytic               ability               as               scientists               (Kathy               was               trained               as               a               chemist),               they               considerably               and               painfully               miscalculate               each               other.

As               one               of               Denise's               lectures               explicates,               computing               the               gravitational               attraction               of               two               objects               is               fairly               straightforward.

With               more               objects,               the               calculations               become               exponentially               more               difficult,               and               there               are               a               multitude               of               sensate               humans               in               Greer's               equations,               making               measurement               and               prediction               far               more               difficult               than               accounting               for               subatomic               particles               in               quantum               physics.

The               astronomers               are               able               to               approximate               the               path               of               comets               within               the               solar               system,               and               are               quicker               to               recognize               that               one               of               their               comets               (there               is               also               the               Lanham-Spivak               comet,               discovered               later               in               the               book)               is               not               coming               back               than               to               recognize               they               have               lost               or               irreparably               broken               a               relationship.
               Greer               writes               almost               as               well               as               Cunningham,               and,               I               suspect,               shares               a               veneration               for               Virginia               Wolf               (there               are               several               mentions               of               The               Waves,               a               book               Kathy               forces               Eli               to               read).

Since               he               has               to               differentiate               the               thoughts               of               many               characters               anyway,               I               don't               know               why               he               chose               to               write               in               the               third               person               rather               than               jumping               from               interior               monologue               to               interior               monologue.

Perhaps               it               is               my               failing               that               I               resist               omniscient               narrators               more               than               I               do               the               ventriloquism               of               multiple               voices               scored               by               one               author.
               Although               I               find               the               academic               rivalries               Greer               portrays               completely               credible,               and               know               that               "Get               the               data               now               and               analyze               it               later"               is               standard               operating               procedure               in               observational               sciences,               I               am               somewhat               suspicious               about               professional               astronomers               being               the               kind               of               field               naturalists               Greer's               creations               are.

Also,               on               an               admittedly               very               peripheral               matter,               I               was               nonplussed               to               have               the               Loma               Prieta               earthquake               (which               I               remember               very               well               occurred               just               after               5               p.m.)               moved               to               morning               (p.


How               could               anyone               living               in               California               (now,               whether               or               not               also               in               1989)               get               this               wrong?
               The               scheme               of               the               novel               is               ambitious               more               in               its               temporal               than               in               its               geographic               scope,               though               the               geographic               scope               includes               the               remote               island               sultanate,               Berkeley,               a               Sonoma               [northern               California]               County               farm,               Manhattan,               and               Rome.

Checking               in               on               the               characters               at               the               intervals               when               Comet               Swift               is               closest               to               the               earth               (its               perihelion)               and               when               it               stops               and               starts               back               toward               the               sun               (its               aphelion)               is               a               bold               plan.

The               characters               can               and               do               flash               back               not               only               to               early               gatherings               of               their               group,               as               well               as               to               remembering               and               reinterpreting               the               previous               gatherings.

It               is               a               complex               narrative.
               It               is               also               one               in               which               I               had               some               problems               getting               into,               so               besides               recommending               it,               I               would               urge               readers               to               persist               and               give               the               book               more               of               a               chance               than               they               routinely               grant               an               author               new               to               them.

Important               parts               of               the               meaning               of               what               happens               in               the               opening               1955               section               do               not               become               clear               until               the               1990               perihelion,               by               which               point               some               doors               have               been               locked               shut               and               some               new               ones               are               opening.

Reader               persistence               is               rewarded               with               a               rich               experience               of               multiple               characters               and               trajectories.
               Greer's               second               novel,               The               Confessions               of               Max               Tivoli,               a               love               story               involving               a               man               who               ages               backward               in               late-19th-               and               early-20th-century               San               Francisco               was               hailed               by               John               Updike               in               the               New               Yorker.

There               is               little               scifi               gimmickery               in               it--more               social               history,               and               as               I               said,               it's               a               love               story               (actually               two               love               stories).

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indian accounting system

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indian accounting system

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indian accounting system

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