About 'accounting vocabulary'|...side of the slanging match. Also I realised it's not an easy read on account of the antiquated and very Scottish vocabulary. Furthermore it's a little too long for this blog. It can be found on the internet...
The Primary purpose of a business is to attract and retain customers. The primary purpose of management is to create a work place atmosphere, where workers are equipped, empowered and self-motivated to accomplish this goal. For this to happen, it requires managers who possess a variety of conceptual, technical and human relations skills. The most important skill they can possess is the ability to learn and grow from their past mistakes or other's, throughout their careers as managers. The following attributes of a "Good Manager" are only a portion of the total package of skills needed to carry that title. 1.Understand that the true objective of a manager is to "create" stars, not be one. As a manager, you should look at what role you have in the operation on a day to day basis. Are you the only person who knows how to get everything done? If you were to get hit by a truck going to lunch, would your business continue without you or go belly up because you have all the knowledge and experience in your head? As a manager, your goal is to teach and create others who will know how to do everything you know. Managing is about facilitating and enabling others to do well. It should be a team effort to insure more than one person is capable of continuing the day to day, with or without you. Your people should be raised to star status when they strive to achieve. You job is to promote and encourage that. 2.Championing the company's beliefs. Every organization that reaches any degree of lasting success, has well-defined values and beliefs. They also have managers who understand the critical purpose of those values and beliefs. They work to preserve them. No matter what the belief, if continued, these will progress into Critical Success Factors that will tell the direction the company will go in. Continued passing and protecting of the "flame" of beliefs will insure employee loyalty, as well as business success. Model the behavior you expect. 3.One of the key ingredients in leadership is not "power", but "influence". "Power" in today's workplace is a myth. You can scream and shout all day at people and are not going to gain any loyalty or better job performance. The manager's main employee tool is "influence". From a management stand point, influence is is the ability to secure a desired outcome without the obvious use of force or direct command. People who are effective in influencing others seems to have a good understanding of the basic needs of people. Psychologists tell us that we all have a deep-rooted need to be understood, to feel welcome, to feel comfortable and to believe that our lives matter. People who have the ability to fill those needs for others exert the most influence. Unless workers choose to let you have the "power", you really do not have it, no matter what your title is. 4.Understand that your personal style as a manager has an impact on the business. "Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success"-Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism. Like it or not, everything we do sends a message that defines us in someone else's eyes.If that someone else is the boss, these impressions could be either costly or beneficial, depending on the message received. All of the following things affect that impression. Etiquette Physical Appearance Clothes Energy Correspondence Vocabulary Relationship Skills The smallest things can make a big impact. Personal style is a huge issue as a manager. 5.Solicit input from employees before making changes that affect them and their responsibilities. Change is a curious animal. Some people thrive on change, but for a lot of people, change to unknown territory is not always met with excitement. If there is a problem with people getting in a rut, communication is the key. Define the problem and secure feedback. Participation in work related changes goes more smoothly with cooperation of all. 6.Teach employees that policies are guides, not steadfast rules of behavior Almost all business deals with customers on one level or another. Have policy guides in place gives structure to those dealings. However, employees should know that in the day to day customer service issues, sometimes further research and reevaluation allows some changes, instead of concrete, pat answers, that may cost you business in the long run. Manager's responsibilities include making them proficient in handling customer service issues. Giving them the tools to make changes if necessary to accomodate customer needs in order to retain their business. 7.Success is not measured by method or talent, but by "desire and effort". A manager who believes they can have whatever they want by letting others do the work don't make it very far. That is the perfect recipe for breeding resentment among employees. Acknowledge and Reward effort. Regardless of outcome, reward those who put forth their best effort. Hard work and satisfaction of a job well done, though old-fashioned sounding, brings pride in people. Their desire and effort towards their jobs is the measurement of a company. The "dignity of effort" attitude radiates to the entire business. 8.In business today, information is the weapon of choice. Next to it's people, information is a company's most valuable resource.In some companies, information flows through the hierarchy along a straight line form origin to termination. Anybody on either side of the line-people who would greatly benefit from this information, are kept out of the loop. Sharing information on subjects critical to the success of a business, greatly enhances the ability of a business to provide and meet the needs of its customers, as well as the satisfaction of its employees. Knowledge and information are power, especially in business. 9.Performance Appraisals and their importance in management "Evaluation is a time for accounting; for comparing actions with consequences; for detecting flaws and making improvements; for planting the seeds of a future challenge."-Don Koberg and Jim Banall-The Universal Traveler:A Soft-Systems Guidebook to Creativity, Problem Solving and the Process of Design. A performance appraisal may be the single most important time a manager will spend with an employee, all year. It may be the one time the worker has his or her boss's undivided attention. The amount of time and effor that is put into this review by the manager will send a loud and clear message to the employee. Do your homework before the review starts. Have your information ready and let the employee know, they are the most important issue on the table and you recognize their need to have all of your attention. Be aware of your employees needs and expectations. Be honest and upfront with both praise and criticism. Finish the review with positive and meaningful objectives and comments. 10.Micro-management-A huge mistake "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it".-Theodore Roosevelt Micromanagement, the process of controlling every detail and decision need to run a business or department, runs directly contrary to the most widely accepted method of management style used today. Micromanagement takes away from workers pride of ownership in their work. It compromises the efficiency and productivity of the workers. It creates an enviroment of distrust and insecurity. It is important to encourage employees to take responsibility. Reward them for making decisions within the goals and objectives of the company. Provide the resources they need to get the job done, then hold them accountable for the outcomes. These include time, money, training and access to key people for needed information. Establish trust with employees. Let them know you trust their judgement. Management is the key to any business. If it is good, then business will grow and thrive. If it is bad, money is lost, and opportunities are also lost. Not everyone is cut out to be a manager. Education and information help "good" managers turn into "great" ones. Obviously there are more attributes to good management. The 10 I have listed here rate among the top requests in a manager. |
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Accounting Vocabulary - Blog Homepage Results
Work-in-progress account of workshop 3, Sabarmati Interactions Workshop, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, 2009-10. (by Gauri)
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